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Hello world!

October 21, 2011

I guess now is as good as any time to get started.  It’s Friday night (well actually earlySaturday morning) and the house is quiet. Sethy was working at a spook alley all evening, Jeron was parked on the couch in front of the TV and Ally and I were on Facebook for a while.  She had gotten into a spat with her ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend.  Ally had a dream about Case a couple days ago.   She dreamed that he died.   In the dream she was quite upset.  She was surprised by the dream.  Not only by his death, but by her reaction.  Their breakup was not pleasant and she had open wounds for some  time.  Eventually they were able to find a common ground and have kept in touch occasionally through mutual friends and on Facebook.  Apparently his  girlfriend was not aware of this.  I am not sure what she is actually privy to.  She freaked when Ally contacted Case and asked Ally to go away explaining how inappropriate her contact was.  All was ok until she started accusing Ally of being the problem.  It was obvious that Case had lied to her and had made himself out to be the innocent party—imagine that a man lying!!  Anyway, I could not sit back quietly and let my daughter be attacked with no one defending her.  Case was not saying anything and her boyfriend, Tanner, was being careful because he is a friend of Case’s.  So I explained what I knew and, of course, this pissed her off.  She did not want to hear how wrong she was and how Case was a liar.  Needless to say it went very bad very fast.  Case ended up messaging Ally because he did not want to upset his girlfriend.  Yes, I agree with all of you that are thinking he is a pansy.  I have a hard time respecting people that cannot face things head on.  People that are determined to do everything behind the scenes and are not capable of being truly honest.  Ally chose to delete him as a friend and let the girlfriend have her way.  I can’t help but think the reason is because he was not worth fighting for.  Why put your neck out there for someone that will not step up and tell the truth and, regardless of who the person is, make sure he defends your honor.  There isn’t a whole hell of a lot you can take with you when you leave this here world, but your honor is one.  So it seems like the people you want around you are the ones that are willing to help you keep your honor sparkling and true.  Not people that are going to take you for granted and who do not care what is being said about you.  A true friend is always there.  There to stand beside you when you need them, not just when you are having a good time, but when time are tough too.  Anyway, another lesson learned and another person let go.  I have not spent much time outside in my gardens because it has been wet and cold, so I guess I have been weeding out some of my “friends” and planting seeds or new friendships as I go.

So all of you take care. Keep warm.  Think happy thoughts and remember “I don’t care how poor a man is; if he has family, he’s rich.”  Kiss your family and sleep tight.  Good night.

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